Thursday, October 20

Arabian nights - The thousand nights and a night

The Thousand nights and a Nights is a collection of Arabian tales. The compiler and translator of the work is believed to be the storyteller Abu abd-Allah Muhammedel-Gahshigar, who lived in the ninth century. The main story of Scheherazade seems to have been incorporated in the fourteenth century.

Europe had to wait until 1794 to read the book thanks to the translation of Antoine Gallard, who according to European manners and morals of that time removed all erotic and violence from the stories.

It was the British Sir Richard Francis Burton who did the first unexpugnated translation in 1884, although the most well known and accepted version was that of the French Joseph Madrus from 1898, translated to Spanish by the writer Vicente Blasco Ibáñez at the beginning of the 20th century.

The quotes from the Arabian nights in the Spanish version of the blackout come from the translation of  Eduardo Natalio Grondona, year 2002 built over Madrus' work, however the quotes of the English version  are from the R. Burton translation. Not all the stories are the same in the translations of Burton and Madrus, overall, volume 6 is the one with more differences. This is why The tender story of Prince Jasmine and Princess Almond that closes the book before the conclusion in the Madrus's version, it's not the same as the one in Burton's, that closes the book with Ma’aruf the Cobbler and his Wife.

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